World Steps 環球足跡
【追蹤我們TRACK US】土耳其街頭美食
【 01 Oct 2011, Day 382 】
土耳其Istanbul有個受當地人及遊客歡迎的街頭食品,那就是Eminonu 碼頭旁邊著名的燒魚柳包,廚師都在搖搖恍恍的船上燒新鮮錆魚,再把燒魚柳夾落滿是生菜洋蔥的麵包入面。每次在Eminonu 落船定必聞到看噴噴的燒魚香,香得令人心醉!看排隊買燒魚包的人多少就知道味道如何了!
Every time we get off a boat in the port of Eminonu, there is a strong smell of barbecue fishes run into my nose. Buying a fish sandwich from boatman is the cheapest way to taste fresh fish in Istanbul. It just take TL5 for one. Delicious!
【追蹤我們TRACK US】Love Greek
【 24 Sep 2011, Day 375 】
Photo at Temple of Olympian Zeus, Athens Greek.
Sightseeing with those historic temples in Greek, it seems like turn back to the year of the old Roman kingdom. Oh~we wanna hold that interesting moment in Athens!
And don't know why... the entrance fee of all temples are FREE today. WAKAAKKAA~~=D
Photo at Temple of Olympian Zeus, Athens Greek.
Sightseeing with those historic temples in Greek, it seems like turn back to the year of the old Roman kingdom. Oh~we wanna hold that interesting moment in Athens!
And don't know why... the entrance fee of all temples are FREE today. WAKAAKKAA~~=D
【細味旅途 TASTY LIFE】熱死人咩...
Luxor Valley of the Queens(皇后谷) - 當年埃及皇后的墳墓區,每座內裡也有許多精美壁畫,但這裡位於沙漠區,外面溫度達到43度,在下車處還要走一段長路才到,辛苦到呢...
【細味旅途 TASTY LIFE】非洲甜姐兒
在非洲肯亞住在當地朋友Lilian 的家,她是個隨和而且樂於助人的甜姐兒,她還邀請我們跟其他沙發客朋友來個歡樂的星期天午餐聚會,席上均是不同國籍的沙發客朋友:澳洲,意大利,墨西哥,非洲,香港的代表,確有點像搞笑版聯合國高峰會議!
In Nairobi Kenya, we stayed in a local friend Lilian's home who is an easygoing and helpful sweetie. She invited us to have a Saturday lunch gathering with other couch surfers. Those were representatives with different nationalities on table: Australia, Italy, Mexico, Africa and Hong Kong. Just looked like the conference of United Nationals Summit in funny version!
In Nairobi Kenya, we stayed in a local friend Lilian's home who is an easygoing and helpful sweetie. She invited us to have a Saturday lunch gathering with other couch surfers. Those were representatives with different nationalities on table: Australia, Italy, Mexico, Africa and Hong Kong. Just looked like the conference of United Nationals Summit in funny version!
【細味旅途TASTY LIFE】順風車之旅
生命每每總是再有驚喜!當還在回味電單車180公里極速飛馳南非 時,另一力作又在我們的旅途上出現。由於Botswana的交通 問題而令我們第一次嘗試"截順風車",在沙塵滾滾的公路邊,不懂 非洲語的我們竟敢與一班當地人搶順風車,經過一小時的你爭我奪, 幸得當地有心人幫助成功登上順風車,向四百公里外的目的地進發!
Life is always surprise! While we are still calling the memory of 180km motorbike speed in South Africa, another masterpiece happen on our journey. As transportation problem of Botswana, we try "Hitchhiking" on a dusty road side. We dare to fight with local people on the road though we are not understand any African language. After fighting for an hour, we finally success by a help with two local girls. Have a destination ride to 400km away!
Life is always surprise! While we are still calling the memory of 180km motorbike speed in South Africa, another masterpiece happen on our journey. As transportation problem of Botswana, we try "Hitchhiking" on a dusty road side. We dare to fight with local people on the road though we are not understand any African language. After fighting for an hour, we finally success by a help with two local girls. Have a destination ride to 400km away!
【最好的時光 MAGIC MOMENT】180公里疾走
生命每天總是充滿驚喜!先有BMW 時速180公里電單車極速飛馳遊南非,還有波子試車初體驗,再來
Life is full of amazing everyday! Firstly we can have a 180km/hr super high speed BMW motorbike riding, with the Porsche test drive experience in South Africa. And then a cave discovering on start of human. We also make a Chinese dinner for all my friends. Thanks everybody makes today fully happy and satisfy. Thanks! Thanks! ^^
【細味旅途TASTY LIFE】One Sweet Home in South Africa
Time flies in happy moment. After these days, it's time to pick up our backpacks again to go on the journey. It's a million upset that we have to leave that one sweet home, cos you bring us a lot memorable things in Pretoria. Thanks Deidre and Abie, and nice to meet you and your family! Hope you will be good health and happy all the days! We will miss you much! ;)
【追蹤我們TRACK US】呼吸智利的空氣 Breathing in Chile
【19 May 2011, Day 247】
離開極寒冷的玻利維亞,到達比較和暖的邊境城市San Pedro de Atacama,我們終於回歸到海拔較低的地方,呼吸也來得特別舒暢!原來智利的物價比玻利維亞要貴得多,想節省一點買個柸麵也不好找!
After leaving the damn cold country Bolivia, we arrived to the border line city called San Pedro de Atacama. It's really good we can breath smoothly and easily while come to the lower place like this. The product price was really higher than Bolivia and it's not that easy to buy cup-noodles here!
【追蹤我們TRACK US】玻利維亞首都 La Paz !
玻利維亞是南美洲最窮的國家,雖則在首都La paz中心有高樓有商場有大酒店,但其實離中心地帶不遠處已經是
Actually Bolivia is the poorest country in South America. In La Paz, although there were many buildings and malls, the broken houses and dusty roads outside the city. Beggars and bootblack boys full of the streets, they looked like SDU with the masks!
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