World Steps 環球足跡
【細味旅途TASTY LIFE】巧遇小旋風 The 90´s Star
大家還記得他嗎? 他,曾經是九零年代初紅極一時的台灣過江龍少女偶像,我竟然在厄瓜多爾的Otavalo市內一間小型超級市場找咖啡粉時遇見他!他,依然紅唇齒白;他,依舊的孩子臉;他,還是那可愛笑容;他,還是老模樣,不同的是現在的他擁有壯闊胸膛和強勁臂彎。他何時進軍南美洲了?他現在是南美某茉莉花茶代言人了!還有幸跟那位艷女郎做拍擋‧‧‧
Are you remember him? He was a girls-love superstar in 90's Taiwan and Hong Kong. We met him in a supermarket of Ecuador when I was finding a coffee power. How come he be a strong man? How come he be a brand spokesman of Jasmine tea? How come he looks still young? OMG!!!
【細味旅途TASTY LIFE】巧遇他郷的故事 Other people, other story
We met a aunt in a Chinese restaurant in Quito, Ecuador. We didn't hesitate to have a lunch there as the restaurant made us feel a bit home sick. We're just thinking it's not a easy to live and run a business in a totally different country, so that's why we should support every Chinese people in overseas! Aunt, cheer up!
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