World Steps 環球足跡
【追蹤我們TRACK US】呼吸智利的空氣 Breathing in Chile
【19 May 2011, Day 247】
離開極寒冷的玻利維亞,到達比較和暖的邊境城市San Pedro de Atacama,我們終於回歸到海拔較低的地方,呼吸也來得特別舒暢!原來智利的物價比玻利維亞要貴得多,想節省一點買個柸麵也不好找!
After leaving the damn cold country Bolivia, we arrived to the border line city called San Pedro de Atacama. It's really good we can breath smoothly and easily while come to the lower place like this. The product price was really higher than Bolivia and it's not that easy to buy cup-noodles here!
【追蹤我們TRACK US】玻利維亞首都 La Paz !
玻利維亞是南美洲最窮的國家,雖則在首都La paz中心有高樓有商場有大酒店,但其實離中心地帶不遠處已經是
Actually Bolivia is the poorest country in South America. In La Paz, although there were many buildings and malls, the broken houses and dusty roads outside the city. Beggars and bootblack boys full of the streets, they looked like SDU with the masks!
【追蹤我們】玻利維亞衝衝衝! Let's break into Bolivia!
從秘魯到玻利維亞的關口,我們手持沒有玻利維亞簽證的BNO,假裝英國國民,懷着戰戰兢兢的心情闖關 (其實很多香港人也如此闖入玻利維亞),但關員竟知道"英國國民"和"英國國民(海外)"的分別,最後得關員開恩,有驚無險成功衝關!玻利維亞我來也!
In the immigration from Peru to Bolivia, we carried the BNO passports without visa, pretended British residents to break into Bolivia (that's what the HK people always do for Bolivia). How exciting!! Finally we got there successfully! Bolivia, we are coming!
【追蹤我們TRACK US】Peru Cuzco
為了去爬馬丘比丘,我們由海邊直接坐夜車來到2千多米高的Cuzco,在夜車上我們的背包被盜了,經點算後大約損失了4百港元。但這個費用遠比到馬丘比丘 的費用小,上一次馬丘比丘連火車、入場、巴士來回等....共用了差不多3千港元!在秘魯,明刀明槍原來比小偷小摸更為昌猖狂!
n order to climb up the Machu Picchu in Peru, we took a night bus going up to a city Cuzco with 2000+ meters high. In that night bus, our backpack was broken by a thief. Luckily our lost was just $400 HK dollars. However, that lost was just a very small part compared with the tour price to Machu Picchu. It cost $3,000 HK dollars!!!
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