
【細味旅途TASTY LIFE】順風車之旅


Life is always surprise! While we are still calling the memory of 180km motorbike speed in South Africa, another masterpiece happen on our journey. As transportation problem of Botswana, we try "Hitchhiking" on a dusty road side. We dare to fight with local people on the road though we are not understand any African language. After fighting for an hour, we finally success by a help with two local girls. Have a destination ride to 400km away!


【最好的時光 MAGIC MOMENT】300天記念

我們在南非Pretoria渡過旅行第300!!! 為了紀念這個特別日子,我們也送自己一份小手信,就是南非最著名的鑽石戒指,此介指亦將會成為我倆之婚戒,共結盟誓。=)

Pretoria, South Africa, we travel through the 300 days!!! To highlight this special day, we give us a little souvenir which are South Africa's most famous diamond rings, the rings will also become our wedding rings with alliance and oath. CHEERS! =)


【最好的時光 MAGIC MOMENT】180公里疾走

生命每天總是充滿驚喜!先有BMW 時速180公里電單車極速飛馳遊南非,還有波子試車初體驗,再來深入人類之始洞穴探秘,晚上親自炮制中式晚餐!良朋歡樂共聚,滿足矣!幸福矣!多謝!多謝!^^

Life is full of amazing everyday! Firstly we can have a 180km/hr super high speed BMW motorbike riding, with the Porsche test drive experience in South Africa. And then a cave discovering on start of human. We also make a Chinese dinner for all my friends. Thanks everybody makes today fully happy and satisfy. Thanks! Thanks! ^^

【細味旅途TASTY LIFE】One Sweet Home in South Africa


Time flies in happy moment. After these days, it's time to pick up our backpacks again to go on the journey. It's a million upset that we have to leave that one sweet home, cos you bring us a lot memorable things in Pretoria. Thanks Deidre and Abie, and nice to meet you and your family! Hope you will be good health and happy all the days! We will miss you much! ;)


【追蹤我們TRACK US】約翰尼斯堡 Johannesburg

【3 Jul 2011, Day 292

來到南非的Johannesburg在因緣際會下認識了很多CS的朋友,跟他們参加了不少CS聚會,才知道Johannesbu​rg 除了那幾個惡名昭彰的地點外,其實日常生活及工作地方都頗安全的,甚至有大都市都風釆,如Johannesburg最大的購物廣Nelson Mandela Square,也可跟香港的ifc mall看齊!


【細味旅途TASTY LIFE】Great dinner

We just had a great dinner and sharing with John's buddies in Johannesburg, South Africa. They all are very lovely people! Nice to meet you all! ^3^